Monday, April 13, 2009

The Ultimate Adobe Elements Training System

Discover elements video tutorials that will guide you through the inside of any Photoshop Elements version. I'm sure your computer is full of graphics that need fixing and if you have Elements editing software installed on your PC or Mac then you are just a couple of hours away from being able to turn those poor quality digital images into Elements masterpieces.

You'll soon be able to edit your digital photos with fun and ease and with these video tutorials (which you can watch online or download to your own computer) you will be made to feel like you are actually looking over your teachers shoulder as the means to create and modify all types of photos is unfolded before your eyes..

Would you not like to be able to understand and comprehensively be able to use the following tools effectively and discover exactly which editing tricks you will be able to perform.

1) Find and view all photos and video clips for quick editing.

2) Add backgrounds, shadows, and lighting to digital images.

3) Fix common photography problems like red-eye, blurring, and other colour issues

4) Crop and resize photos without compromising quality

5) Make your photos look their best with easy-to-use editing tools

6) Easily perform more advanced retouching and enhancing thanks to the easy image-selection tools, and amazing editing capabilities such as...

The elements interface, quick fix guide mode, full edit mode, elements quick fix guide mode, histogram palette, colour swatches palette, the magic wand tool, brushes, the filter gallery resizing, retouching, correcting, levelling, cropping, grayscale, elements brightness and contrast adjustment, automatic lighting and colour commands file formats.

You will also learn how to make money from your digital photos just so that your investment in time for learing adobe elements can be rewarded with payment as a reward for taking the time to learn how to master Adobe Elements.
Did you like this article? Curious about learning Elements fast? Well now you can by getting this free report...what are you waiting for?

Photoshop Elements Tutorials How to Hand Tint a Digital Photo

If you are trying to enhance an average digital photo then adding a hand-tinted look will create an awesome effect to the image making it look like a masterpiece. With just a couple of tints the photo will literally transform into photos that you will want to share with all of your family and friends.

Now the fist thing you need to do for this and any othe photo edit is to open the photo image and save it with a different name, so that you don't lose the original content. One tip would be to always save your image to the desk top so you will always be able to find it at at later date.

Open up the layers palette and drag the photo background layer to the copy icon, forming a new copy of your photo on a different layer and then hit "Target" select this new layer and press SHIFT+CTRL+U to remove the color from the digital photo. Finally hit CTRL+L to bring up the "Levels" dialog.

One good tips here is to remember to hit AUTO to see what it looks like and then tweak from there. Use the Black slider more to the right in order to darken the shadows, or you can move the White slider to the left in order to brighten the highlights and Click OK when you have finished.

The top showing black and white and with the layer still selected, select the eraser tool with a soft round brush set at round 5-10% opacity and about 30 pixels breadth. You will now be able to edit the areas where you would like to see a bit more color but bearing in mind that you are aiming at a nice soft and transparent look. If you need to UNDO at any time just hit CTRL+Z.

You can then increase the the brush size to enhance areas where you would like more color and then you can either merge all of the layers or just flatten and save your fabulous hand-tinted digital photo.
Did you like this article? Curious about learning Elements fast? Well now you can by getting this free report...what are you waiting for?